Friday 21 September 2018

Have You Prepared Your Snow Garage?

Those of us who live in the far north of our country have learned a long time ago not to fight the precipitation that we know will come. We expect it as the winter months come toward us and we just look at it as a different, if not more challenging way to live. Snow looks great when you can gaze at it out of the window, huddled around a nice warm fire and it does help to make the holiday time more authentic experience as well. We quickly learn that you need to take time to prepare for the arrival of the cold and convert the area that you store your car into a snow garage.
Our way of life in northern climes is an integral part of the weather that we experience during the winter. Our snow garage needs to be prepared for the onslaught and we must continue to function with as little disruption as possible. Don’t store anything on the floor level and relegate everything to the loft or high shelves. Your next step will be to get absorbent mats to put on the floors. Read More

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